Recent academic papers
1. Measuring the Boiling Point of the Vacuum of Quantum Electrodynamics.
A. Hartin, A. Ringwald, N. Tapia
Journal-ref: Phys Rev D 99 (2019) 3, 036008
It is a long-standing nontrivial prediction of quantum electrodynamics that its vacuum is unstable in the background of a static, spatially uniform electric field and, in principle, sparks with spontaneous emission of electron-positron pairs. However, an experimental verification of this prediction seems out of reach because a sizeable rate for spontaneous pair production requires an extraordinarily strong electric field strength |E| of order the Schwinger critical field, Ec=me2/e≃1.3×1018 V/m, where me is the electron mass and e is its charge. Here, we show that the measurement of the rate of pair production due to the decays of high-energy bremsstrahlung photons in a high-intensity laser field allows for the experimental determination of the Schwinger critical field and, thus, the boiling point of the vacuum of quantum electrodynamics.
2. Strong field QED in lepton colliders and electron/laser interactions.
A. Hartin
Journal-ref: Int.J.Mod.Phys.A 33 (2018) 13, 1830011
The studies of strong field particle physics processes in electron/laser interactions and lepton collider interaction points (IPs) are reviewed. These processes are defined by the high intensity of the electromagnetic fields involved and the need to take them into account as fully as possible. Thus, the main theoretical framework considered is the Furry interaction picture within intense field quantum field theory. In this framework, the influence of a background electromagnetic field in the Lagrangian is calculated nonperturbatively, involving exact solutions for quantized charged particles in the background field. These “dressed” particles go on to interact perturbatively with other particles, enabling the background field to play both macroscopic and microscopic roles. Macroscopically, the background field starts to polarize the vacuum, in effect rendering it a dispersive medium. Particles encountering this dispersive vacuum obtain a lifetime, either radiating or decaying into pair particles at a rate dependent on the intensity of the background field. In fact, the intensity of the background field enters into the coupling constant of the strong field quantum electrodynamic Lagrangian, influencing all particle processes. A number of new phenomena occur. Particles gain an intensity-dependent rest mass shift that accounts for their presence in the dispersive vacuum. Multi-photon events involving more than one external field photon occur at each vertex. Higher order processes which exchange a virtual strong field particle resonate via the lifetimes of the unstable strong field states. Two main arenas of strong field physics are reviewed; those occurring in relativistic electron interactions with intense laser beams, and those occurring in the beam–beam physics at the interaction point of colliders. This review outlines the theory, describes its significant novel phenomenology and details the experimental schema required to detect strong field effects and the simulation programs required to model them.
Helmholtz Alliance MML, CFEL,
Dec 18, 2016
The quantum vacuum as a dispersive, nonlinear optical material
Papers - Full list
3. Fierz relations for Volkov spinors and the simplification of Furry picture traces
A. Hartin
(Submitted on 23 Aug 2016 (v1), last revised 10 Oct 2016 (this version, v2))
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D 94, 073002 (2016)
Transition probability calculations of strong field particle processes in the Furry picture, typically use fermion Volkov solutions. These solutions have a relatively complicated spinor due to the interaction of the electron spin with a strong external field, which in turn leads to unwieldy trace calculations. The simplification of these calculations would aid theoretical studies of strong field phenomena such as the predicted resonance behaviour of higher order Furry picture processes. Here, Fierz transformations of Volkov spinors are developed and applied to a 1st order and a 2nd order Furry picture process. Combined with symmetry properties, the techniques presented here are generally applicable and lead to considerable simplification of Furry picture analytic calculations.
4. Furry picture transition rates in the intense fields at a lepton collider interaction point
A. Hartin
(Submitted on 16 Feb 2015)
Journal reference: Phys Lett B, 743 (2015) 166-171
The effect on particle physics processes by intense electromagnetic fields in the charge bunch collisions at future lepton colliders is considered. Since the charge bunch fields are tied to massive sources (the e+e− charges), a reference frame is chosen in which the fields appear to be co-propagating. Solutions of the Dirac equation minimally coupled to the electromagnetic fields reasonably associated with two intense overlapping charge bunches are obtained and found to be a Volkov solution with respect to a null 4-vector whose 3-vector part lies in the common propagation direction. These solutions are used within the Furry interaction picture to calculate the beamstrahlung transition rate for electron radiation due to interaction with the electromagnetic fields of two colliding charge bunches. New analytic expressions are obtained and compared numerically with the beamstrahlung in the electromagnetic field of one charge bunch. The techniques developed will be applied to other collider physics processes in due course.